Enrich your life with art
Your morning coffee or tea will just be that much more enjoyable when you add a dash of art to the experience – then all your senses become involved; tactile and visual, as well as mindful and tasteful. Handmade dishes are full of life, and mine are also full of feelings, thoughts and ideas.
I am an artist - but I love to do many things.
This world is full of wonder, but also full of discordance. Living an eclectic life here amid the valleys, mountains, estuaries, and rivers of the Pacific Northwest, I tend the pond, the garden, watch the frogs, try and keep house, and work in two studios - ceramics and painting. The only solution to the cacophony is to make art.
I believe we should all make, live with, and find joy, in art. Art is what humans do best.
See below for the long read and the resume as well as the link to my full site which has it all - drawing, paintings, fishing blog… or just buy a cup from the —> shop. <--
Artwork connects us across space and time.
The vision behind the work
Each work holds the history of every touch and thought of the artist and each time we interact with the art we unpack that story.
The dishes are exciting because they are very physical both in their creation as well as in their very existence. I love that I can paint on them, and they made to be used. They are individual pieces for personal use.
For motifs I am drawn to my garden, my pond and rivers. I have always loved gardening and how the garden defines a lively space, with the fishpond there are so many themes not the least of which is reflection.
Happily, working with the ceramics, I get to deal with yet another dimension – the objects hold space and exist through time and get used again and again. Space, held both on the surface as well within the sphere of the bowl, is topologically fascinating. Because it is curved and you can constantly rotate, turn and flip the bowl about, the space, unlike that of a rectangle of canvas or paper, becomes continuous
In life we are confronted, if we dare to look by the very big question – Why are we here and what are we supposed to do? Art is perhaps the best way to puzzle out some kind of answer.
See my other work, and more about me on my other site link below.

Graduate work – Columbia University, Teachers’ College
MFA – Indiana University School of Fine Art
BA, Scholar of the House – Yale University, Cum Laude
Work Experience
Currently I am a studio artist
Formerly I have been a High School Math, Art and Ceramics teacher, Western Washington. Also, an active WEA union member and leader.
High School Math and Art teacher, New York City
I have been interested in patterns for as long as I can remember. I believe that we make sense of the world by how we interpret pattern in our daily experience.
Objects, incidents, places, and even personal relationships are all interpreted by a matrix that we have chosen in order to make sense of our world.
In the paintings I have emphasized edges more than surface in order to show that objects gain their existence by their relationship to other objects. Nothing exists in isolation.
With the ceramics, I find intriguing the contrast between the three-dimensional shape of a dish and the two-dimensional painting of the three dimensional world.
I believe that art is easy to talk about. Art can alter the way we experience and perceive the world. To make art a person uses media, skill to use the cultural art and design elements - with intent - to communicate a feeling, thought or idea - or a mixture of all the modes of thinking.